In my latest article about how to pin a tweet & get more traffic I wrote about 19+ ways you can leverage that feature to send more traffic to your blog, get affiliate sales etc.
My this article about branding on Twitter is for people and startups who are advanced Twitter users and now want to create an image of them or their business through their Twitter profile.
Ready for some fantastic Twitter branding tips?
Definition of branding
Branding is defined as the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products
In other words, making a brand of you means creating a certain image of yours with your customers, readers or audience who now know what to expect from you. You can decide what you want to be perceived for.
When you develop a brand you now take up your stand on something. You cannot be known for both a funky and a classic brand; neither can you be something that is both cheap and costly at the same time. Your brand is what it defines you from the rest.
With correct branding and consistent image you can actually increase your brand value which can help you in creating a fan base that is ready to pay the price you ask for your service.
Branding is very important these days for online businesses who don’t have a specific physical store or product that can symbolize their image.
While it takes years and a heck lot of research to see your true brand, I now take this post forward assuming you have already a clear mind on what you want to be known for among your audience.
You can create your brand on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or television, and so on based on where your target customers hang out. A good move would be to brand your blog to using some premium themes. Checkout our Elegant themes review to see how it can help you. Or claim the recent Elegant Themes discount coupon to save more.
Let’s see how you can brand yourself on Twitter by following easy these Twitter branding strategies.
How to brand yourself on Twitter?
Here are 10 steps to brand yourself on Twitter (jump to a section you like):
- Get your correct username registered
- Use your cover photo to display your message
- Perform a SWOT analysis
- Tweet simple things
- Keep your brand voice intact
- Be helping and cooperative towards fellow Twitter users
- Participate on Twitter chats
- Provide customer service
- Be active on Twitter
- Develop your custom hashtag
Twitter has been always a favorite channel for brands to express themselves and show up who they are.
Many top brands like the Samsung and Starbucks have included Twitter in their branding strategies.
No doubt they are the largest brands on the platform in their niche and they know exactly how to play the Twitter branding game to grow their Twitter following.
Having said that, you can also do it easily.
On to the steps…
1) Get your correct username registered
It is highly necessary to have your full name (be it your personal name or your business name) registered on Twitter. If you don’t act quickly it might be taken by someone else who can possibly damage your image by causing confusion.
If your brand name is already taken you can either take something similar that would replicate your name or you can ask Twitter to get your account verified.
One other method is to acquire your name by an offline compromise settlement. Here you can pay the original holder of the username to transfer the username to you.
This method may require legal transitions so be sure to consult a legal practitioner before you proceed.
It’s a good idea to direct your Twitter followers to your website (so that you can own them without depending on Twitter anymore). If you haven’t already started, here’s a step by step guide to start a blog.
2) Use your cover photo to display your message
When you are creating an online image on Twitter the cover photo can help you add a thousand words to your branding campaign.
Simply use the cover photo to display who you are or what your brand is about.
If you have a look at the cover photos of some of the influencers on Twitter, you will notice how they display their brand statement with them.
Check out how Gary Vaynerchuk uses a cover photo of his speaking at an event to signify his authority and speaking skills.

3) Perform a SWOT analysis
Before even building a brand, you have to perform a brand analysis which can tell you what your current brand status is and what you need to do to take it to the next level. The SWOT analysis will help you in this.
- S for Strength: Check out what is your strength. Are you a good news curator or what is your product helping people with?
- W for Weakness: a quick image analysis will tell you what your brand lacks. Is it a good marketing campaign or is it some loop hole in the product.
- O for Opportunity: After knowing your strength and weakness you can now think of all possible areas that can help you with branding on Twitter. It can be providing customer care service to your customers or helping them keep up with latest news. Or it can be keeping them amused by being lively.
- T For threats: You should never underestimate other brands. A more extensive marketing campaign by some other brand can put yours in the shelf. So be vigilant.
4) Tweet simple things
Let’s agree on this. Social media is used people as a way of relieving themselves from stress and to lighten their mind.
You wouldn’t want things to complicate them. Don’t be too sarcastic in your tweets or use a negative tone. Here are some of the tips to keep in mind while tweeting. Apply all or any based upon your brand ethics.
- Be informative: If your brand is about soft drinks you can periodically tweet posts of some healthy drinks (even if they are not for your brand).
- Be a source of industry news: If you are a blogger or writer you can tweet about other posts related to your niche. It’s advisable to give credits to the source however you are not compelled to do so.
- Influencer bloggers like Kristi Hines, Mari Smith and Loz James are great content curators and give you a lot of information by tweeting posts of other bloggers in their niche. This will help your followers to get glued to your brand as they know you are providing value to them.
- Be sassy: Companies like Oreo and Old spice have completely built up their brand on their lively and high-spirited tweets. They prove that one doesn’t need to be serious and gloomy to get brand recognition. Add a humor factor to make your audience love you even more.
5) Keep your brand’s voice on Twitter intact
In an attempt to appear interesting, don’t forget to keep your brand voice intact. If you are a serious blogger blogging about rather serious things, it isn’t advisable to be joking below the belt stuff.
Keeping consistency in what you speak and tweet is a Twitter branding tip you shouldn’t forget.
6) Be helping and cooperative towards fellow Twitter users
On Twitter, helping others helps you stay in the lime light. This will help you enhance your online reputation and business image.
One small example is helping others share their stuff.
Many brands and influential bloggers help retweet stuff from small companies and blogs that are related to their subject.
This will get them into the limelight and they are often followed by more people.
If you want to get your content discovered or want social shares, use SocialSnap to setup lightweight click to tweet buttons on your blog posts.
Here’s my SocialSnap review and discount article to help you understand how it can share your old blog posts on Twitter at regular intervals without bothering you.
7) Participate on Twitter chats
This one is a huge yes. Twitter chats are something so phenomenal that I have shortage of words to describe them. You can use Twitter chats to:
- Showcase your expertise: Your tweets in Twitter chats reach beyond your normal followers; to thousands if not millions of other Twitter users. Don’t forget these Twitter users could be your potential leads. Make sure your Tweets are factually & grammatically correct using Grammarly (grab our Grammarly student discount coupon or checkout ProWritingAid discount coupon to save more).
- Promote your brand: If you are managing your brand on Twitter, you could simply find related Twitter chats and give your opinion with referencing your product or service (wherever appropriate). Remember, you shouldn’t appear advertising or else it will have a negative effect on your branding.
- Conduct Twitter chats: Most big brands have their own Twitter chats where they invite one or two industry experts to speak about a certain issue and then common users join the discussion too. This will give a big boost to your brand value and you will be known all over. Here is a guide to getting started with Twitter chats.
- Get PR benefits: Most bloggers taking part in a Twitter chat use the highlights and key takeaways to create a post on the topic. When you contribute something meaningful to a Twitter chat your tweet might get featured in a blog post and that will give you immense brand-boosting plus traffic splash.
- One example is how Rebekah Radice crafted an amazing post on top trends to dominate social media based on a Twitter chat hosted by buffer (#bufferchat). This also threw some light on various users taking part in the conversation.
8) Provide customer service
Xbox Support holds the Guinness world records for the most responsive account by responding to over 5,000 queries within a week with an average response time of 2 minute 42 seconds.
Brands like Xbox and Jetblue Airlines are examples how you can use Twitter to provide customer care service to your customers and followers (and even non-followers).
9) Be active on Twitter: One simple tip to brand yourself on Twitter
If Twitter were a city it would never sleep. My Twitter account always has new feeds to deliver thanks to various scheduling tools. You don’t have to keep awake at 3am or type in a tweet during a company board meeting to get the branding ball rolling.
You can schedule your tweets with a great tool like SocialPilot (read SocialPilot reviews) to furnish new tweets for your followers even when you are cooking dinner for your mum.
10) Develop your custom hashtag
A custom hashtag is like your trademark on Twitter. You can use it to create a mark of your brand in people’s tweet. This will enable users to identify your brand based on your hashtag.
Moreover, you can use hashtags to read and view all tweets related to you and also to handle massive tweet submissions by fans when conducting a contest. Mine is #SocialSwadhin ! And yes register it at hashtag.org.
Don’ts Of Twitter Branding Strategy That Can Ruin Your Personal (or Business) Brand
11) Don’t botify (Don’t automate everything)
I love bots they are funny, quirky and insanely active. But, they are NOT humans. They are not your brand ambassadors.
On Twitter, using bots to represent your brand might prove more bad than good. There are plenty of incidents where automating has embarrassed the owners so much that they could lower their brand value.
The New England Patriots landed in such a debacle when an automated robot tweeted a racial slur last November. The event was when they became the first NFL to acquire 1 million followers.
They planned to thank each fan (that tweeted their custom tweet) with an automated Twitter message featuring the fan’s Twitter handle in a jersey. Their robot actually tweeted out a jersey that had “I hate N******” written on it.
They later had to apologize on the issue.

Related: Use tools like Sendible or checkout our “is Sendible worth it” article to see how you could still use social media management tools and make up for different time zones.
12) Don’t sell bluntly
When we are talking about creating an online reputation we should not talk about selling our aim should be completely on creating a personal brand or business brand not on sales.
The secret is, branding itself will help you increase your brand equity and gradually brand value which will then help you convert those fans into leads. You can then make huge money with Twitter.
13) Don’t hesitate to follow others
One of the key point for developing a personal brand on Twitter is to connect with more and more people. Same is with companies looking to boost their brand image with Twitter.
There is no loss of ego when your “following” count is near equal to your “followers” count. Twitter is a top social media sites and following a lot of users is a good thing.
Remember, of these followers, nearly 30%-40% will surely follow you back. Now your follower count will sky rocket and you will have more eyes on your brand. You can easily unfollow the non-followers who don’t add any value by using a tool like unfollowers.me or socialbro.
Conclusion: How To Build a Personal Brand On Twitter
Now that we have discussed certain strategies and Twitter branding tips, your first step should be to analyze your audience on Twitter. Study their demographics and activity patters from there to be able to make your branding campaign more relatable.
Next, how to pin on Twitter that could reflect your brand norms on the platform to win even more followers.
Brands have higher click through rates on weekends, so use a free scheduling tool like SocialPilot if you don’t want to waste your weekends tweeting stuff.
If you’re a freelancer or social media manager, you shouldn’t miss my analysis on Sendible vs Hootsuite to choose the right tool.
Don’t forget to add your views on Twitter branding tips and your steps to create brand with Twitter. We (I and other readers) would love to hear them in the comment section.
How popular is Twitter vs Instagram?
Unlike Instagram Stats, Twitter isn’t as popular but it serves a very different purpose. Instagram is a visual social media platform while Twitter is a spontaneous one where conversations happen.
Can you verify your profile on Twitter?
To be honest, verification doesn’t matter much unless you’re someone whose identity could be misused. Twitter has paused its verification process which is going to resume in the later half of 2023 as per some reports.
Can you have multiple Twitter accounts?
You can have multiple Twitter accounts but I suggest using as less as possible (unless you have a wide array of topics to cover) because this can significantly reduce the effort you need to make to grow your account.
Hey Swadhin,
Twitter has the potential to drive traffic to our blog, get more eye-balls on our content, promote our products/services and increase our influence on the social web. If we’re managing the Twitter account for a brand where various people have access to the Twitter account, it’s good practice to tag individual tweets so people know who they are talking to. Our bio is an opportunity to tell people what we do and what we’re about it’s a great opportunity to people why they should follow you.One of the key steps to gaining more followers is to help people out and share their stuff.
Sharing other people’s content and tagging them is a sure-fire way to get on their radar.This is an important step in cultivating mutually beneficial relationships. Eventually, you have explore great keys which are really looking beneficial to increase twitter followers.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Hi Swadhin,
Thank you for these wonderful ways to brand yourself on Twitter. I am always sharing other’s on that platform and rarely am active for myself.
Lately I’ve experimented with a few quotes and some images. I see that they are being shared and find it more interactive.
I haven’t been so active on Twitter, but see it’s value. Your tips sure helped me and I thank you.
Thanks for sharing your extremely awesome tips Swadhin!
I definitely need to start implementing your proven strategies asap!
Because to this point, I’ve not come anywhere close to maximizing the opportunities,
on social media alone, let alone twitter specifically.
But your excellent post has totally opened my eyes to a ton of areas where I’m completely
dropping the ball!Thanks!
This is an excellent article. I have always liked Twitter but I really want to up my game on this platform.I plan on implementing some of the strategies that you have outlined here in this article. I especially like the tip about developing brand hashtags. Five thumbs up!
Hey Swadhin Bro,
Nice post.Sorry for being late but I must say I enjoyed reading this.Twitter is one of the top social platform for professionals and business persons. If used in good manner it can drive lots of traffic and engagement to the blog and you are doing this.
Coming to the post, First of all username, this is one of the most important point. One should have easy to remember twitter handle so that others can easily remember. Participating in chat and quality tweets are something which can make you popular.
Thanks for sharing this great !!
Cheers !
HI Swadhin
Thanks for providing a wonderful post on Twitter
You have presented some wonderful points. Ya, cover photo really create a magnet effect on our post. We can easily understand the idea behind the page by looking at the cover page only.
The way you have explained SWOT analysis is mindboggling. Cooperation is the basic key to any growth. Be it personal or social growth, we are always interdependent.
Connections play an important role in our life. Twitter chat is totally a new concept for me. I will search on this topic also. Twitter is a new platform for me. I will keep all these points in mind.
Hi Swadhin Bro,
Thank you so much for this complete guide. Actually, I wasn’t taking Twitter seriously. I wasn’t aware of its potential. But I am trying hard now to unleash its power.
I have committed some mistakes when looking intofor the points you have remarked. My username is not indicating a brand. But it is too late to change or start a new account. So I am going on with the current one.
Cover photos have a vital role in creating a brand. Though I knew it, I had forgotten that. SO going to change it now.
All other tips you have shared are valuable.
Thanks again.
Like you last post and your guest post of BBT, you’ve have nailed the topic here too.
I’d say that it is an amazing guide for those who wanna brand their on Twitter. You might be wondering if I say something! Yes, I’m not following any of the tips which you’ve listed here! I’m a poor twitter user who just share my blog posts and few others while performing commenting. It didn’t mean that I have no interest to promote and engage with the audience in Twitter, its purely due to my time limitation as I need to spend quality time to care of family members.
After reading your post, I’ve decided to spend some time on Twitter daily to improve my brand awareness over there. What is your strategy to grow followers on Twitter and how do you make other to tweet your posts? Reveal your secrets for us.
I’m bookmarking this post to implement the tips one by one. Thanks for presenting this great guide for us, have a happy weekend :)
Hi Swadhin
Vow; SWOT analysis!
Very professional term you have used and it shows either you already had this knowledge well before but were not sharing it or you have joined any refresher course to re-alive your dormant skills. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Branding is one of the biggest challenges in this age of stiff competition if one fails to create his brand awareness he would always be referred personally or with regard to any particular feature but not as a brand.
“He is a good human being”. This can be very kind gesture to someone. But professionally this can be an add-on but not the main appreciation of an entrepreneur. Everyone is human being and being human does mean being good so this is not the big quality.
I don’t know why I do preparation to chat on Twitter and interact people over there. I find a big difference in people at other social media and at Twitter.
I rarely find any status update like “feeling bored, lonely or awesome” at Twitter and objectivity leads every activity over there be it sharing of a post, appreciating someone’s work, recording protest, promoting someone or just sharing one’s own thoughts.
So I grade Twitter on top of the list professionally though many people do this to LinkedIn. I find LinkedIn quite focused at getting simply professional excellence while at Twitter people does focus on getting professional enrichment but they equally focus at other causes equally and most important is to support the industry which they are attached to and to make their voice heard at broader level.
It is the right of person to make every effort to make his voice heard as broad as possible to benefit more people with his views.
Thanks a lot for sharing a post on very interesting topic and I without any though just kept writing comment here with the instant feedback that came into my mind.
Have a great weekend and keep sharing such wonderful posts.
Thanks for sharing..! Actually, I am not so active on Twitter for a long because I am focus only on Facebook.
However, I found that a lot of bloggers are active on Twitter and get massive traffic over there. I wonder about how those blogger interactive with other users and what they strategies are.
Thanks for sharing..! This is a genuine topic about twitter marketing.
You know..? I plan to keep active and interact with other Twitter’s users who are in the area of my niche, but I never expect I have a lot thing to do with Twitter. Especially SWOT analysis, I expected that.
You tips make sense about what to with Twitter now..!
Hi Swadhin
This is an excellent post. I am a fan of Twitter as I have been using it for quite some time; actually more than a year and I must say that it is an exciting and fun platform.
All the factors that you explain to brand yourself on twitter are spot on and so true. Branding yourself on twitter has a lot of benefits.
Thank you for sharing.
Hello Swadhin,
Wonderful post, I have recently started using Tweeter, I was never a fan of Twitter and later I realized Twitter is highly important for networking hence started using it, Learned many new things from your post, Thank you very much.
Keep tweet the news and use both mention @username and hashtag #, it will bring to you more benefits than you think. I’ve get a lot of traffic with simple tweet with Twitter.
Hi Swadhin bro,
Great post indeed :)
Twitter is a great resource to create your brand value. But you can make your brand popular, if you have strong marketing strategies and you do some unique for your audience.
As you explains that use a a cover which can describe yourself. Because it is the first place where a user’s first intension goes. And the first impression is your last impression.
As informative, quality ana useful tweet you will post, you will get more exposure.
Thanks a lot to explain all these points in depth. Have a great day :)
Hello Swadhin, Thanks for your complete Guideline. Really you’re Amazing. I try your Facebook tips and starting getting huge results and i was looking for Twitter Marketing tips . And you wrote ! It’s just a magic for me And now, i am going to do follow your these methods. Hope, i will get also amazing Results for Twitter :)
Hi Swadhin,
That was yet another wonderful post, and this time on Twitter :)
Yes, I remember your earlier one on Ileane’s blog, and this one is a step further. We got a little late with our blog’s name or call it the brand name, as it was already taken, though it’s just got one or two tweets! We even tried contacting the person, but in vain.
I guess there is a time for learning all of this, and bloggers nowadays are so much smarter as compared to what we were when we started blogging! I never really thought about brand and name, being more of a person who thinks from the heart and relates or connects to people, more than brands. But gradually you learn that such things are also needed for your social presence. :)
Ah…cover photo! I still have to make that, and this was one task given to my better half as he’s the creative one, but not got time away from the ABC, to sit and make this, which is SO important. Good reminder for us.
Yes, tweeting the posts of others is the key, so it’s more of others and less of yourself. Sharing information and what your readers like will bring in more followers to you too. Well, no harm in a little variation in your voice – I wouldn’t like to be all serious, all the time :)
I agree, always help those who seek it, and sometimes guide the newbies too, especially where adding their Twitter handle is concerned!
Twitter chats are great, provided you can take out time for them (I really cannot!), but I remember my first one where I was interviewed by a known one, and the number of followers it brought me, so I know they work.
Oh yes…scheduling on Hootsuite works best, and gives a breather to you too. SocialSwadhin – that’s nice! Reminds me that even Rohan has a lovely one already! We are still deciding on an apt one for ourselves! A huge don’t is not buying your twitter followers, and this is one thing that would never help. I see so many newbies or others, with a large following, but one can make out from their tweets and shares, that they are fake ones. Having a few, quality followers, those who follow you and you follow back (once you check their profiles) is a better deal – just my two cents. :)
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead :)