Finally DigitalGYD has migrated to a better blogging platform – Wordpress.

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Hello Friends,

This is the moment I had been waiting since weeks..and finally shifted to WP a.k.a. WordPress.
There is nothing better than having a blog that you OWN and have full control over it.

Like most other bloggers out there I too started on blogger platform (reason- It was free). And there is nothing worse that a thing that is free. I was lucky to have migrated early so that I didn’t face much damage except to edit hundreds of comments where my own comments are placed as visitor comment because I used blogger profile then.

This whole process was a not-so-easy one for me specially because I was a non technical guy and obviously new to the platform that is way much matured that Google’s blogger platform. I could literally not have been able to do with the process Had I been not assisted by Atish Ranjan Bro Of . In fact it was he who did everything behind the scene and made the process smoother than butter. :) He did as much as handling my PC via team-viewer (though we are nearly 1000kms away) so that I could install WordPress on my domain. I know these steps might be a small step for most of you reading this but for a guy like me – who is more on the writing side its a mountain to be covered.

Thank you would be too small a word for him.

Now looking forward to editing the errors and small corrections on the blog and then do some most essential steps that are a must after the installation.

Thank you everyone please bear with the errors in links if any . Will fix them soon.

This article was first written on August 25th. 2014.

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Hi, I'm Swadhin Agrawal, founder, and editor-in-chief of DigitalGYD. DigitalGYD is a multiple-times award-winning blog where we aim at helping bloggers how to start a blog and grow it into a profitable online business.

I'm a professional blogger for a decade now and am the founder of Value Intent Media Pvt. Ltd., a media company that creates content for a multi-million-sized audience across various verticals.

Our research & content on DigitalGYD is often referred to by brands like The Telegraph, Forbes, Times of India, Yahoo! Finance, HuffPost, Bluehost, Neil Patel, The Next Web, etc.

16 thoughts on “Finally DigitalGYD has migrated to a better blogging platform – Wordpress.”

  1. Angela McCall

    Hi Swadhin,

    CONGRATULATIONS from switching Blogger to Wordpress!!!! Sure you are brave for doing this. And indeed this might sound small to some but a mountain to climb to another.

    My advice…please do not use FREE theme. Unless you are a coder and know how to adjust loopholes. Free themes are really NOT free because it can cost you to lose your arm and leg; the reason why it’s free is because of the code, it is a loophole for hackers. I would advice you to use GENESIS frame with Wordpress, it is a very SECURE frame, the designer of this specialized mainly on SECURITY. Anyway just ask me if you have further question.

    Catch you later,

  2. Subodh Kumar Sharma

    Hello! Swadhin bro. ,
    Congratulation! for migrating from blogger to Wordpress.
    Can you tell me, why you have choosen wordpress?
    and what are the advantages of using wordpress as compared to blogger?

    • Swadhin Agrawal

      Hi Subodh bro welcome to my blog. Glad to see you here.thanks for the compliments and WordPress has a number of huge huge benefits first of them is you will now own your own blog. Second is customization you can do whatever you want there is no need to be a coder . When it comes to plugins WordPress stands tall in front of blogger. There are a lot more benefits just Google WordPress vs blogger and you will see a lot of posts from bloggers around explaining why it is better. :)

  3. Swadhin Agrawal

    Hello Swapnadip thanks for your compliments budd.

    Yes I am loving the new WP blogging .

  4. Swadhin Agrawal

    Hey Sahil Thanks for your visit dear. Yes hope this works for me.
    You have surely had a full experience of both the platforms shifting from one to other.

    Happy blogging to you too :)

  5. Swadhin Agrawal

    Thanks Vishal for joining me here at this good time.

    Yes Blogger definately has had Pros it would not be that successful if it was otherwise.

    If blogger works for you there is no point shifting to WP and wasting bucks.

  6. Swadhin Agrawal

    Thanks Di Yes the move has been an awesome one.

    Thats true a self made man paving way for others into the field..that’s Atish bro.

    Thank you for the wishes and happy blogging :)

  7. Swadhin Agrawal

    Hey Sugandha Welcome on board yaar. Thanks for your wishes (formality wala thanks warna hum toh thanks kehte nahin :) ).
    I know your wishes are with me. I am what I am because of friends like you.
    Keep visiting and happy blogging :)

  8. Nirmala

    Congratz Swadhin to blog with Wordpress :)

    Gald to know that Atish was behind the scene. Not only here, he is everywhere in the blogosphere.

    My best wishes to do an enhanced blogging :)

    • Swadhin Agrawal

      Hello Nirmal maam, Thanks for the wishes.

      Yes Atish bro is super helpful and that’s a great feature for the newer ones like us :)

  9. Harleena Singh

    Hi Swadhin,

    Congratulations and celebrations! :)

    You finally did it! I can well imagine the excitement and I am so glad Atish was there to help you through, no one would have been better I guess. Being the helpful person he always is, I’m sure all your blogging experiences would now be much better than before.

    Yes, take your time and do up the blog slowly and surely – wishing you the best, always.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead :)

    • Swadhin Agrawal

      Hello Harleena madam, Thank you for the wishes.
      Yes its like a dream come true and I will now unleash all my wishes that were buried under blogger. I don’t say blogger is bad (its phenomenal for starting) and I should not too. There is no point blming someone (blogger) who helped me when I couldn’t have WP, But having said that WP is awesome.

      Thanks for joining at this happy hours.

  10. swaviman

    Congratulations Bro…….new platform with new enthusiasm……. feeling happy for you….. :)

    • Swadhin Agrawal

      thank you Swaviman, Glad to see you here.

  11. Swadhin Aggrawal

    Welcome to the WordPress version of Atish bro. Its been a tremendous time and Thank you for being there.

    Yes surely, I will always disturb you with help requests :)

  12. Atish Ranjan

    Welcome to wordpress! Enjoy the new way of blogging! Congrats! Thanks for the kind mention :-) let me know if you need any further help as well.

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